Friday, October 10, 2014

Thoughts of Fall

Or autumn, if you prefer.

One thing I miss about fall in Missouri is all the beautiful colors. Around this time of year, the leaves on the trees would transform from a lively green to a bright burst of harvest: yellows, oranges, and reds. If you haven't experienced fall in the Ozarks yet, take my word for it. It's absolutely glorious.

Usually this season is associated with the slow decline of the life cycle, as the leaves leap from their branches into a spiral to the ground, leaving the trees dead and bare for winter.

However, I prefer to think of fall is a time of new beginnings.

Isn't that supposed to be spring, Maggie? you ask.

Kind of.

You see, old things have to pass away before new things can come. The change be almost instantaneous sometimes. But then, before you know it, everything is different.

Photo Creds: Molly Malone
Because she gets to see the fall and I don't. 

In the good ol' U.S. of A., a new school year begins in the fall, bring a healthy mix of dread and excitement. There's college football season (Sic'em Bears!), and the cooler weather means steaming mugs of tea and beautiful scarves.

Tonight is my little brother's senior night at high school. Like his sister before him, he marched in band for four years, gracing the ensemble with his talent and determination to do his very best. This is his final season of marching band, but next fall will be a new beginning for him as he begins college in a new state.

Kevin's senior night. 

My own senior night, so long ago. 

If you can't tell, I'm very proud of him.

Next fall, I begin my first internship in a new country, once again slipping into my globetrotting shoes and journeying to the unfamiliar. I'm a little nervous thinking about it already.

Fall is a season in transition, as old facets of our lives pass away, making way for new ones as we grow and live here on Planet Earth.

It can be bittersweet, but fall is also full of the winds of promise, change, and adventure.

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