Sunday, October 19, 2014

10 Beautiful Moments from Today

My name is Maggie, and sometimes I don't get my posts on time. Apologies. Better late than never, yes? Moving on.

I'm sure you've heard people say that you have to treasure the little things in life. Well, you do, whether you've heard it just once or even a thousand times.

Here are 10 of mine from today, well, from Saturday, I suppose:

1. I was on my way to the art studio tonight when out of the blue, a boy on a longboard offered me a flower. He only said, "I hope you have a great night!" before speeding away, barely giving me time to sputter out a thank you. The bright orange blossom is currently sitting in water in my dorm room.

2. Listening to beautiful Celtic piano music while dancing back from the studio.

3. Breakfast burritos from Chick-Fil-A. (Highly recommend 'em)

4. Time with my roommate. I really hadn't seen her in a couple of days, so it was great to chill with her this weekend.

5. Sleeping on the floor. We have this awesome rug. It's pretty awesome.

6. Chipotle. Chipotle is always great, but it's even better with friends.

7. Fish-sitting! The rooms and I are looking out for our suitemate's betta fish this weekend.

8. I've gotten my roommate and another friend hooked on one of my favorite shows. I highly recommend "Gravity Falls", but you have to have a bit of an off-beat sense of humor to really get into it.

9. This gorgeous weather. It's absolutely lovely.

10. Finally getting all of my laundry done. Best. Feeling. Ever. (Gosh, I feel old.)

What are 10 beautiful things that have happened to you lately? Sometimes the simplest moments can be some of the most wonderful.

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