Saturday, December 13, 2014

Thoughts of Home

Take a bus, take a train, go and hop an aeroplane,
Put the wife an' kiddies in the family car!
For the pleasure that you bring when you make that doorbell ring,
No trip could be too far!

Oh! There's no place like home for the holidays,
'Cause no matter how far away you roam,
If you wanna be happy in a million ways,
For the holidays you can't beat home sweet home!

I love that song so much. 

This time of year fills me with excitement. All my finals are complete, most of my packing is done, and tonight is my last night in the dorm for a while. 

I'm coming home tomorrow. 

But what is home? I've been asked that question so, so many times and I never know what answer to give? 

What home should I tell you about first? I've lived in so many places! My first home in Cleburne, Texas? Or how about my childhood homes in Kitakyushu and Higashi-Kurume? What about my adolescent home in Missouri, where I will be traveling to tomorrow? Maybe even the newest place I've come to call home, the green and gold campus of Baylor University? 

Do I even have a home? 

I don't know. 

But one thing I've learned through my nomadic life, is that home is not just where your rump rests (Lion King quote, anyone?), but it's where you feel welcomed and loved. Everyone around you wants you there with them, because they love you. 

Love is what makes a home a home. 

And I am more than ecstatic to spend my favorite holiday with my favorite people. Christmas is a time of giving and sharing love, through gifts, through time, through laughter and joy. 

I may have a slight "home crisis", but does that matter? Sometimes. 

But what's most important is that I get to love and be loved where I am and where I am going next. 

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