Friday, November 7, 2014


I was sitting on a couch in my discipleship group today. We were telling stories, chatting, and diving deep into the Word.

The question. What are you passionate about, Maggie? I rattled off my usual answers: color guard, travel, acting, photography...

When it hit me like cold water to the face.


It felt right, somehow. Reading stories, writing my own. How much I enjoy listening to others tell about themselves. How I love getting into character and costume. How I like to travel to new places and capture the stories and memories I find there. How I listen. How each story I share reminds me of yet another.

It fit somehow, in the grand scheme of things.

I'm one step closer to discovering my purpose. And maybe this is it. Maybe this is the thing I was built and born for.

But to effectively share other stories, someday I will have to share my own. Every agonizing detail. Every night spent in tears. Every laugh, every smile. Every adventure.

Everything lost. Everything gained.

Friends, sharing who I truly am scares me the most.

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