Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thoughts On a Rainy Wednesday

This post isn't really a positive one, I'm afraid. I posted this anyway because I want to be real with you, Reader, so not only do you get to share my joys and triumphs, you get to experience my pain as well.

Usually I'm rejuvenated and refreshed by the rain, but today I just feel...melancholy. I'll even add another word to melancholy. Melancholy and discouraged. I don't know what it is about today. Maybe it's because I haven't been feeling too motivated as of late.

Perhaps my lack of productivity is getting me down. Or the fact that I had a Spanish test today. Either or.

Let me ramble about Spanish for a bit. I just need to pen this out. (Or type, in my case) I love languages, always have, and Spanish is no exception. It's just gorgeous to listen to and to speak. But the class...ugh. I tested into Intermediate Spanish. From three years of high school Spanish.

Let me describe this gap for you.

It's like someone dropped you in a foreign country all by yourself with no money, no technology, and no connections. All you have is a Spanish dictionary and the clothes on your back. Your objective? Make a million bucks by the end of the semester.

Frustrating? Thought so. I feel like all I do in that class is fail. And I hate to sound like a whiner, but it's true. No matter how hard I try, it isn't good enough for my professor. No matter how hard I study, no matter how much work I do, it doesn't even matter in the end.

Sorry to dump this all on you guys. I just need a vacation. But don't we all sometimes?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Saturday Therapy

Ah...Saturday. One of the best days of the week! And today it's all MIIIIINE. Okay. Perhaps not all mine...there's quite a bit of homework to accomplish, but, Reader, this Saturday is special!

I have the day off. 

What? What's that you just read? Maggie actually has free time?! Yes, yes, dear Reader! It's true! Although I love the hustle and bustle of college living, it's nice to get a whole day to just hang out around campus and catch up on some homework.

Although homework isn't really how I'd like to spend a Saturday, sacrifices must be made, and decent grades must be achieved.

Hope you had / are having a stupendous Saturday!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Homecoming Highlights 2013

As I procrastinate on my homework (pulling into the procrastination station is nothing unusual, my friends), I might as well bring you to speed on one of the craziest weekends of the year here at Baylor: Homecoming.

Quick Back Story Time. 

Baylor's homecoming is one of the oldest in the nation. The weekend is packed with activities for the whole family, including seeing the relics...excuse me, exhibit in the student union, various dinners, Pigskin Revue, the Bonfire/Extravaganza (think large pep rally), the colossal homecoming parade, the football game later that day, and of course, visiting our beloved live mascots, Joy and Lady. 

Don't pet the bears, kiddies. They bite. 

The Baylor University Golden Wave Band (we're called BUGWB, pronounced "bug wuhb", for short) traditionally performs at the extravaganza, marches at the head of the parade, and puts on a very special halftime show for the homecoming crowd, including the classic Script Baylor. 
That can be found here for your enjoyment. :) I am in the last little curlicue of the "r".

End Quick Back Story Time.

The main highlight would have to be seeing my family again. Honestly, I was a little nervous at first about meeting up with them, because I'd heard horror stories about families fighting after not seeing each other for a while, and that's not how I wanted to spend time with my parents and brother. 

The moment I saw them, though...I felt like a five-year-old on Christmas, filled with wonder and pure, elated joy. There were many hugs as we enjoyed lunch together before I had to dash off to my next class.

My parents took me out to a couple of meals over the weekend and brought me gifts, but that's nothing compared to the time I got to spend with them. I treasure my family's company even more now that I have less time with them. I was grinning from ear to ear when they invited me to spend Saturday night with them after the game.

Highlight number two would have to be as another color guardie and myself were waiting for a teammate outside of the bathroom. A young girl shyly wandered up to us. The first words out of her mouth were, "I wanna be just like you guys." The other guardie and I exchanged glances.

The girl continued, "I wanna spin at Baylor!"

We smiled, "Come and join us then! We'd love to have you!"

The corners of her mouth turned upward a little, "I'm only a sophomore in high school, but I want to be just like you. You're so good at guard; so beautiful and amazing. I loved every minute of the show." The girl then turned and disappeared into the mob of people milling around.

We were shocked. We had worked so hard on the routine, learning a lot of it only a few days before the performance. I had never thought that someone would actually be inspired by it. Motivates me to be be even better and work harder than before. I was honored, truly honored.

Okay, so this last little highlight is kind of embarrassing, and I know you're going to laugh at my total social awkwardness. So, as I was coming off the field after the halftime show, I looked up into the audience. There, looking back at me was a rather attractive curly haired blond guy. We locked eyes. 

He then proceeded to blow me a kiss. 

Then, waving slightly and pointing at me to be sure he had my attention (which he did), he blew me another one. 

My reaction? Turn Bob the Tomato red and disappear into the sea of plumes of the other band members as we headed off to our seats.

Why someone decided to blow me a kiss, I'll never know, but I'll tell you one thing. It sure was cute.

Then comes the downside to this weekend: My nasty ol' cold. I dragged myself through Saturday with an hour and a half of sleep (I must be Superwoman, or something), hacking, sniffling, rubbing my temples, and popping cough drops like crazy. Sunday was much the same, so my parents stocked my dorm with plenty of medicine.


Snickerdoodles are one of my weaknesses. (not that I should've ever admitted that one)

Woah, this was a long one. Props to you for making it this far. Did Baylor win the football game, you ask? OF COURSE! We're even ranked 6th in the nation at this point.

 I'll give you a little photo reel to wrap up this story.
Reunited! I love those guys. 

Prepare for trouble...and make it double.

Dramatic much?

Aaaaaand somehow my mom was able to mistake the dragon I was riding for a moose. 

Unamused owl is not amused. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bitter Cold with a Happy Ending

Hello, dear Readers! It's currently 2:18 in the morning, I've finished all my homework, and I have no desire to go to bed.

Today was one of those freezing-cold-with-a-gray-sky type of days. I was expecting it to be a little warmer, because it's Texas. In October. Oh, well. Nothing I can't handle.

Except for me, being the idiot that I sometimes am, decided to wear shorts this morning. 

I still really don't know what possessed me to think that shorts were a good idea. Maybe because I knew that I had color guard practice today...? But I survived. And changed into sweats the first chance I got. I proceeded to wear said sweats for the rest of the day (besides practice).

Where does that happy ending come from, you ask? Well, my guard captain, who gives me rides and feeds me tacos took me by Sonic where we ordered drinks to go. I was pretty thrilled; I never get to go to Sonic anymore!

On another note, my family is coming down this weekend! It's hard to explain just how excited I am, because I haven't seen these folks since August! Which, for me, is quite a long time. Two months, as a matter of fact.

Also this weekend? Homecoming. Probably one of the craziest times of the year here at Baylor. Between all the activities of the week and the return of the alumni and other visitors, Friday and Saturday are jam-packed with events, leaving no room to breathe.

But I'm excited. I've been to Baylor Homecoming before, but it's my first time as a student here. Plus, there's the fact that I get to march in the parade too. (Unfortunately, this means that I can't swing dance in the parade. My aerials partner is not amused.)

Have you ever seen a two in the morning face? 

Well, now you have. Now don't you feel edumacated? 

I really do need to get around to posting some real photography on here. Last weekend was Fall Break (aka "You get a Friday off! Plus your weekend! Yay!"), so while almost everyone went home to see their families, I got some photography practice in. Plus I tried a Whataburger burger for the first time.

I feel like an accomplished individual. Here's a shot from the trek to Whataburger.
Foreboding storm clouds as I cross over a six lane highway. Sounds like a mini-adventure to me!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Letter to Gentlemen

Dear...well, Gentlemen,

I've really enjoyed going to a school in the south. Why? Well, one of the reasons is that there are so many of you around! All the time I see you opening doors for myself and others, as well as clearing my dishes on occasion and walking me to my dorm so I won't be alone on campus after dark.

I'm fully aware you don't have to do this. You don't really need to, but because you do anyway, I thank you.

I love seeing a spot of kindness to a stranger or a friend on any given day, even if it's a lousy one. It warms my heart to see people taking the time do something nice, whether it be out of goodwill, or because of how they're raised.

I read an amateur article recently about how girls are more attracted to the "bad boys", and how nice guys really do finish last. Guys, don't radically change your personality on the whims of one girl. Let her respect you and appreciate you for

Chivalry isn't dead. You guys are the ones keeping it alive. And all in all, you are helping to make the world a better place. Keep on keeping on, my friends.
