Friday, March 27, 2015

A Conversation with my Art Professor

Now, as many of you may or may not know, I am a graphic design minor. This is my second semester with my art professor, and by now, we've formed a bit of a strange relationship. Because we sit at the same table cluster in the design studio, the snarky comments go everywhere. 

The following is a true conversation we had a week ago: 

Art Professor:  Now, Maggie. If you make three mistakes, we'll have to take you out back and stone you.

Me: Fine, fine. *makes a mistake* 

AP: I'm going to have to stone you! 

Me: You can't! I haven't made my third mistake yet! 

AP: Oh, very well. Here, what are you having trouble with? 

Me: This cut. 

AP: *helps me with challenging cut* 

Me: *procrastinates on the last cut*

AP (a few minutes later): Maggie, what are you doing? 

Me: I don't want to mess up!

AP: You're delaying the inevitable. Now, class, did you bring your stones today? We may have to take Maggie out back. 

Me: Okay, okay. I'm going. *straitens ruler to prepare for cut* 

AP: It's do or die this time, Maggie. 

Another art professor wanders in. 

Other Professor: What's going on? 

AP: This is Maggie. If she makes her third mistake, we're going to take her out back and stone her. 

OP. Well, I've got some bricks. We can use those! 

Me. HEY. 

OP; Or some cinderblock. 

Me. You would only need one of those. Just one would crush me! 

OP: It just depends on how fast you move. 

AP: Or how many we throw at you. 


Me: *makes perfect cut* HA.

Both professors: *approving nods*

AP: Looks like you lived today, Maggie...

Me: Until next time, when I get out the paint. 

A few minutes later. 

Classmate: Oh no! The paint! NONONONO.

AP: No worries. Just let it dry. 

Me (from across the room): I SEE HOW IT IS. 

I enjoy my 2D Design class very much. Although it's tough, I like the challenge and learning about new ways to express myself. My skill is nowhere near those of my classmates, but I'm learning something new every day, and in the end, that's what really counts! 

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