Friday, July 25, 2014


Do you remember Enchanted? That one Disney movie where an animated, fairy-tale wedding dress clad Amy Adams appears out of a manhole in New York City? There's singing, dancing, and someone stabbing a bus. 

Sometimes I get these crazy ideas, and, believe it or not, my most recent photo shoot was rather similar. Minus princes, talking animals, and New York. We also didn't have to fight off nefarious villains...but that's okay. We went to Sonic. 

I asked my friends Sarah and Brittany to pose as my princesses. And the subject selection couldn't have been more perfect. 

Sarah and Brittany decided that if they were having to wear medieval dresses, then I would have to as well. So the lady in blue on the left is, in fact, yours truly.

Oh, Brittany. 

I taught my mom how to use my current photo editor. Isn't the result fantastic? 

 Sarah's pendant. 

Brittany's gown.

Friendship on the open road. 

But the most humorous part of this whole little adventure is the stares people would give us as we ambled around town, Sonic, and into the local Walmart. I mean, people didn't even try to hide their stares. Jaws were littering the ground everywhere we went. 

Of course, Sonic happened. Because Sonic. Also because the weather was nice. 

Brittany selects her meal.

"I'll take two of everything."

Sarah's face is essentially saying, "I WANT IT ALL. AND I WANT IT NOW."

"I came all the way from medieval Europe to try these tater tots."

For the most part, the main reason we went to Walmart just to bring a touch of the Dark Ages to the fluorescent interior. And to bask in the shock of others. I don't think my small Midwest town saw us coming. 

Friendships where time spent together can last a while, but friendships spend dressing up like princesses and running around a modern town last a lifetime. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

3 Pros and Cons to Having a Cat

I lied.

I told you all that a new post would be coming out Friday. It's Saturday. Eeeesh. I'm still getting used to this blogging thing. I'll get the hang of it soon. 

Now that that's over with, ON TO THE CONTENT. 

First of all, this post isn't about cute, mewling little kittens. This is about cats. You know, those sleepy, grumpy things that kittens turn into. Yeah. Those. I just so happen to own three of them. 

But lets begin with the positives! Cats aren't all that bad, right? 

1. Personality. Cats, while they are known to sleep most of the day, have a wide variety of personalities, which can be rather entertaining. Our oldest cat, Tibbs, may be thirteen, but he has this snarky side. Don't underestimate him. Pippin is rather sadistic. She's a biter. And Cavalier-Bob is...special. Let's just leave it there. I mean, the cat runs into walls and falls off the couch. 

2.Companionship. Kitties can be real cuddlers. They purr sweetly while they keep laps warm. Tibbs even snores. Even if you live alone, it's always nice to have another presence in the house. 

3. Independence. Unlike dogs, cats don't need to be walked or constantly checked on. They can be left alone for hours and be perfectly okay with that. 

However, cats do have their downsides, the hugest one coming to mind being...

1. DA LITTER BOX. While cats have a natural instinct to use the litter box, it gets really smelly really fast, especially if one chooses to have multiple cats. It's nasty, and the litter gets everywhere. 

2. Attention. When cats want attention, they want it right then and now. They'll crawl up on your important bills that you're trying to manage, or your computer, or your dinner, all the while purring obnoxiously. I've even tripped over my own cats a few times when they sprawl out on the floor in front of where I'm trying to be productive. But when they don't want to be messed with, expect some shiny new claw marks on your face. Battle scars, indeed.

3. Damage. To your house, to your face, to the dog, etc. Cats don't really care whether they tear up your stuff, whether it's ripping the furniture or your skin to shreds or gagging up messy hairballs on the carpet.

Want a cat? Big life decision right there. A pet, whether it's a cat, a moose, or a chinchilla takes a ton of work. Always make sure to do some research before choosing your pet. 

Being a cat owner is always a new adventure, but with love, care, and brushing (to get rid of a lot of loose hair that will eventually become a hairball), a new friendship with a kitten will grow into a companionship with a cat. 


My own furry felines:  
From Left: Pippin, Tibbs, Cavalier-Bob

(In fact, the inspiration for this post is the fact that Tibbs just so happens to be perched upon my lap as of this moment.) 

*Found on Google. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Life as of July 14th

Hi. It's been a while hasn't it? There hasn't been that much going on in my world as of late, but on the flip side, so much has happened.

The purpose of this post is to be somewhat of an update for you who are following my adventures through this little blog. I've been a little elusive as of late, so this is the part where I reach out to you.

Something else about the blog. I would like to start posting regularly. Like an actual blogger. If I want to become a better writer, a better photographer, and a better blogger, then I need to act like one. HOWEVER, I'm not sure what days I will be posting. For now, it looks like I'll be posting on Fridays or Saturdays.

Except for this post. Today just so happens to be a Monday. Technically a Tuesday. But only by 30 or so minutes.

A few things:

  • Lately, I've been pretty busy with my job working at the cafeteria at the local university. It's not an easy job, and I come home exhausted and stressed with aching feet, but in this town, a job is hard to find, so I'm extremely grateful for the one I have. 

What do I do? For the most part, I'm the one behind the serving line, piling the chow high, and passing the plate to outstretched hands on the other side of the counter. 

I'm aware that this makes me a cafeteria lady. But I'm a nice cafeteria lady. Even though tonight I ran the lasagna through with a spatula, epic movie style. I'm surprised I haven't been banned to the dishroom forever and ever. 

  • I also had two photo in the last week or so, one was of my family that my parents bought at an auction, and one was one I like to call "Princessing," which entailed a couple of my friends dressed up in medieval garb and gallivanting around town, to the utter shock of its inhabitants. 

  • My (Great) Aunt Maida Rose also passed away a few days ago. Please pray for my family as we mourn her loss. I honestly wish I could've gotten to know her more. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

An Independence Day With My Mom

(And there aren't pictures this time around because someone me forgot to bring the camera.)

First of all, Happy (belated) Independence-4th-of-July-'MURICA-Day! And Happy Birthday to the country that holds a piece of my heart. 

My mom and I had the house to ourselves today, what with the men off at camp. So we decided to hit the movies and begin our day with Spidey. Because The Amazing Spiderman 2 is the All-American movie of the century. Yes. 

Someone even complimented my patriotic ensemble at the theater, noting the blue v-neck, the red and white striped scarf, and my USA patterned Converse...which she noticed from under the bathroom stall. 

Thank you?

After devouring some sushi and Starbucks at the mall, we headed home for a nap, followed by fireworks and friends at the local university. Where pretty much the whole town (and then some) gather together to celebrate America. 

Even though I haven't lived in the good ol' U.S. of A. my whole life, I still love the country of my birth. We have so many freedoms that others don't possess, and we do need to be grateful for those who put their lives on the line for the country they love. 

One last thought.

Thank the Lord for this beautiful nation, and hopefully, we can remain and return to be "One Nation, Under God."