I smiled for the cameras, my grin being broadcast into homes across the nation. Audiences were roaring with laughter at my witty puns. I was gesturing wildly at a large screen, introducing video after video.
After all, I was the junior co-host for America's Funniest Home Videos.
Last night I had this really weird dream. You know, the kind you get when you're sick, and you wake up with your head in a daze, thinking, "What the heck just happened?"
I had one of those last night.
I haven't really been "well" since...Sometime around my birthday, which was in early April. A couple nights ago, I was curled up in bed, miserably locked in combat with a fever. I'm not quite 100%, but I'm on the mend.
"But AFV, Maggie?" you're thinking, "Really?"
Yeah, really.
The actual host as a guy with dark brown hair, and I couldn't see his face most of the time. But my fellow junior co-host was on the show with a guy named Kona.
Backstage, Kona had all of these white chocolate covered pretzels, and he wanted to share them with the audience. So during a commercial break, Kona walks up and down the aisles of the audience, handing out these yummy treats.
But he soon runs out.
So what does Kona do? Goes to the store himself, of course. As the seconds of the commercial break tick away, Kona dashes back into the studio and hands out the rest of the pretzels.
He then proceeds to hop back onto the stage to finish out the show with the me and the host. I don't know if the store was really close, or if Kona was a fast runner, or both.
All I know is that Kona is a beast.
I'm not sure about anything else in the dream, but I think I've pinpointed Kona's origins. Kona is the name of the shaved ice trailer that is usually present at Baylor football games. It makes some appearances on campus during special events. However, Kona resembled the group leader of my small group for my Religion class this semester. But his personality was most similar to my friend
Koua, a guy in my church small group. "Koua" is only one letter off from "Kona".
Interesting, no?
But what does this mean? Kona's selflessness was a highlight to be modeled, for sure, but what about the white chocolate covered pretzels? I don't even like those!
Dreams are bizarre. I wonder how bizarre they will be during finals week.