Friday, March 21, 2014

Glory be to God for Dappled Things

Spring has just begun. And today was absolutely gorgeous.

After a long, cold winter, it was wonderful to slip on some shorts and roam around campus. The warmth and the promise of new growth made everything seem more cheerful. 

That truly brings me joy. 

Sometimes the most beautiful things in life are the simplest. These small moments are the ones we really need to hang on to. 

Whether it's 

still life photography, 

creeping on the future roommate, 

drinking a great cup of coffee,

shrimp wrapped in bacon, 

swing dancing,

blueberry muffins, 

singing "Everything is Awesome" at the top of our lungs, 

a tackle hug from family and or friends, 

or little white blossoms, 

sometimes the smallest moments matter the most and turn the crummiest day into the most lovely day of them all. 

Never underestimate the power of simplicity. A spark of joy can even come from the the way the wind weaves through the trees, waving the leaves to and fro under the sun, and creating dappled shadows of green on the grass. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Travel Wishlist as of Now

Hello, welcome to castle-and-windmill-aholics anonymous. What's your name? 
Hi, Maggie. 
Hello, my name is Maggie, and I haven't visited a castle or a windmill for at least two years.
*polite applause* 

^ This goofy segment is relevant, I promise.

Anyways, one of my favorite travel bloggers came out with one of these a few weeks ago, and it made me think: "Where do I want to go?"

Everywhere, of course. 

But that's a little vague. So I decided to narrow it down to around six countries or so.

Because I'm a list-y person who likes lists.

1. Czech Republic.
Ahhh, Europe. Home of various castles. (Told you it was relevant) The Czech Republic is a picturesque country full of beauty and art. According to Wikipedia, the capital, Prague, was the sixth most visited city in Europe in 2011. It also has a very low crime rate. I can't tell you exactly what motivates me to visit here, but it's one of those things that just stirs in the deepest pits of my soul. Sort of like the One Ring, but not nearly as treacherous.

One Republic to rule them all...

2. Greece
There's no doubt about it! Greece is a land with history. Interesting history that left ruins and legends in its wake that are meant to be explored. I also want to get lost down the winding streets of Mykonos and Santorini, even though they are popular cruise destinations. It's also warm and sunny. AND IT HAS WINDMILLS. 

And for your enjoyment, a bonus Grecian cat: 

3. Sweden
Home to meatballs, canals in Stockholm, and IKEA, Sweden is another must visit. The islands and crisp white sails of Stockholm are truly something I want to see for myself. The architecture is lovely as well. My only objection? It's cold. Blech. I don't do the cold.

4. Morocco
Look! A non-European country! Even since reading about Morocco on various travel blogs, I've wanted to visit. I've never been to Africa, and the pictures of the narrow streets of Moroccan cities lined with splashes of color just look, well, exciting. It's a whole new culture unlike anything I've experienced and I can't wait to see it for myself. 

 5. New Zealand
Full of dramatic mountain peaks, waving grasses, activities for the thrill seekers, hobbits, New Zealand is an island adventure for all ages. I just really, really want to explore it and experience the magic that brings directors back to its shores over and over again. Plus, I'd like to try zorbing. 

6. Ireland
The rolling green hills, the ruined castles, the gorgeous accents. Who wouldn't like to visit? Not to mention that Ireland is where my family's originally from. The Emerald Isle enchants all who visit, and not because of the faeries. Ireland is said to be home to adventure, rugged beauty, and warm hearted folk. 

Runners up: Peru, Ecuador, England, Australia, Italy, Singapore, South Africa, Estonia

All pictures found on Google. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

8 Things Every Freshman in College Should Know

It's currently three in the morning. My homework is done (ish), I've finished mending my clothes, and I'm about to pop into the shower and head to bed. After all, my first class tomorrow is at three-thirty.

But first, some listing.

Recently, I've been thinking about college. Not hard to do, really. I live here. Reflecting back on my first semester, I've come up with a list of things that all freshmen need to consider when they move in.

There're books and books about this kind of thing, but here's my humble, handy-dandy list-y version.

1. Get involved. I know, I know. This is the first thing people tell you when you get to college. I'm just rehashing this old point BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. Most colleges have something for everyone, but no one's going to walk around and tape fliers to your dorm door. Usually there will be some sort of activity fair where all the clubs set out tables and distribute free stuff. Besides the fact that everybody love free stuff, you'll find out what your college has to offer. Added benefit? You'll have fun. You'll get to meet new people, go new places, and develop new skills!

2. Learn to sew. WHAT. Yes. Because duct taping your clothes every time they tear is just going to look tacky. Even if you're a dude. It's not terribly hard to pick up, and it's a practical skill that is often overlooked. Sewing will help your clothes last longer, so you won't have to go out and buy new things all the time. College budget for the win! Which brings us to our next point...

3. Budget your money. Another practical skill. Running out of money can land you in hot water very quickly, and your parents aren't always going to be there to fish you out again. Set aside certain amounts for certain things, for example, "I'm going to set aside this amount of money just in case I want to go out to eat this month." And so on. On the subject, there's a pile of receipts on my desk calling my name, waiting to be filed...

4. Academics first. Because that's one of the reasons why you're here. If you don't want to study and further your education at this point, then maybe it's not the right time for college. Experiences are important at this time in your life, but your academics in college do matter. High achievement equals good scholarships and more open doors for future opportunities. Another thing is that if your grades get too low, then out you go. There's also the fact that you're paying thousands to get an education, so you might as well make the most of it.

5. Balance your lives. By this, I mean your pre-college and current college lives (post college is another matter altogether). Stay connected with your friends from home, but don't rob yourself of exciting new experiences by not embracing what's going on around you now. On the flip side, don't sever all ties and complete alienate yourself from your family and not-in-your-college friends. They still have something to bring to the plate as well. Here's an old saying for you to ponder: "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold."

6. Manage your time wisely. A lesson I'm still learning. The day only has 24 hours, and chances are, most of them are going to be full. Time is precious, and you never get a day back, so get done what you need to get done. As a master procrastinator, I'm probably not the best person to be telling you this, but seriously. Watch that clock.

7. Find ways to de-stress. I know you've heard of finals week, the bane of the college kid's existence. Trust me. People talk about it with fear for a reason. Tons of things in college can cause stress, like social shindigs, commitments, and academic deadlines. Stress only builds up unless you can find some way to release it, or else you'll drive yourself mad. Different stress busters work for different people, so find something that suits you that you can enjoy.

8. Be you. We have a saying here at Baylor: "I love Baylor, because here you can just B U." Which is not always the case. People often bind themselves in social standards, thinking that they have to look or act a certain way. College is where you find yourself, and how can you find you when you're trying to be someone else? Don't invest yourself in things you don't enjoy just because society says that you must. Your worth is not measured in the objects you possess or the friends you have, or where you come from. Sink your teeth into this, kids:

"You are valuable because you exist. Not because of what you do or what you have done, but simply because you are."
~Max Lucado

I've said this before, and I'll say it again: you get out of college what you put into it. For better, or for worse, college is the adventure of a lifetime. So hang on and enjoy the ride!

Pictures found on Google.