There's my sorry excuse for not blogging. I've been in two different states attending a college orientation at Baylor (that's where I'm going this fall!), Line Camp (also at Baylor), and EPIC (church camp). I'm pretty tired, and unfortunately, I've been sick with a nasty cold this past week. Good times, good times.
A lot's been shoved into my head at Baylor and EPIC, some good things, some bad. I'm still in the processing stage and my brain has to sort through all that info that I picked up. I also haven't unpacked yet. Let's bring that train into the procrastination station!
Anyways, here are some highlights of the last two weeks:
*Meeting new people- This has been very hard for me, but at Baylor, you're pretty much forced to talk to lots of random people you don't know. Even harder because I was the only person from my high school going here. I had no one when I first arrived there for orientation and line camp
*Winning Line Camp Sing- At Baylor, there's a tradition called All University Sing ("Sing" for short), where different organizations put on a broadway style show. The organizations are usually Greek, but some non-Greeks often join in the show. One such example is the Sing Alliance. If I were to do Sing, I would join them. Sing happens in the spring. The top eight acts go on to Pigskin Revue, which is during Homecoming week. These shows are very elaborate, and they're on YouTube. Line Camp Sing is slightly different. Our music is taken from past winning shows, and while in Sing, the participants sing with the music, in LCS the words are already on the track. We have to use the props that the officials give us and make up a routine. Our theme was "war/military". Two of our props were rifles. I'm in color guard. I got to spin one. It was awesome.
*Milk and Cookies- After a ceremony where we received our slime caps (you'll probably see a post on that later), the soon-to-be-freshmen were herded into the nearest dining hall where we found our counselors dancing on the tables, singing about...milk and cookies. It took me forever to realize why they were singing about milk and cookies. We were actually getting milk and cookies.
*The Blob- A water inflatable where one person jumps on one end, sending the person on the other end flying into the air.
*Ropes Course/Challenge Vertical Climb-Besides the waiting, both of these were pretty awesome. The ropes course, while high off the ground, wasn't really scary for me. It was fun though. The other one, however, was hard. Luckily, my audience on the ground was only too happy to give me advice about where to put my foot next.
*Sermons- Our speaker was really, really good. His lessons had a huge impact in my life, and were very relatable.
*Apocalypse-No, not the real one. It was a game where our groups had to work together to escape zombies, with almost every person having a disability. I couldn't use my legs. I could write another post on this (And I very well might), but I'll give you a short story about what happened. My team left me at a safe zone so they could get to the finish (they were coming back for me). Another team came along and carried me to the finish, with other people coming in to help carry and protect me. None of these rescuers were on my team. I felt loved. Also.....beware of the zombie charms (a.k.a. Lucky Charms). They turn people into zombies.
This post was a little long, but there plenty more to come, as this was just an overview. Thanks for putting up with me, everyone!