Three more days, everyone! Three more days until I am unleashed on the world! Dun dun duuuun!
But in the meantime, how about a rundown of a senior's last week?
Monday and Tuesday were just academic days. We finished our finals (Seniors only! The underclassmen have theirs next week...while the seniors are out of school!), and or did nothing. I'm serious. In some classes we did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. That's fine, I suppose. This week's been way too crazy.
On Wednesday, we went to the lake, and I'll tell you why. Throughout the year, all the grades have been pitted against each other in something called the "Liberator Challenge", named after our beloved mascot. Each time grade members show spirit, or attend open house, dances, and such, they gain points. The points add up to a grand total at the end of the year. First place gets to go to the lake (Honestly, everyone knew that the seniors would win, and even more honestly, it would be embarrassing if we didn't.), second place gets pizza and a movie all afternoon (Juniors won this one), third place gets popsicles (Believe it or not, the freshmen one this one), and last place got to listen to sad music. BEST CONSOLATION PRIZE EVER. My brother's grade, the sophomores, won this one.
Back to the lake. It was so peaceful, and it really beat a day sitting around inside. My friend Elisabeth and I explored the woods on a "photography exploration". I haven't uploaded the pictures from this yet, but when I'll do, I'll post some. I took a nap and got some Vitamin D, as well.
That night was baccalaureate. For those who don't know what that is, it's a worship service crossover with a senior remembrance night. Interesting stuff. There was footage of me singing the school song with a thick hillbilly accent. Aaaaaaand there goes the dignity. I really wasn't too social that night, so I went straight home afterwards.
This was probably because:
1. Hot days at the lake with little to drink tires one out (It was my first time, okay?)
2. I had gotten three shots for college. My arms are still sore. Bleh.
Today was our last day at school. After doing nothing all morning, we did the traditional senior run down the hallways. Lots of underclassmen stepped out to observe. The seniors sprinted down the halls, slamming lockers, and whooping and hollering. Then we gathered at the end and did one last chant together. It was exhilarating...Until I realized that my camera wasn't recording like I had originally thought.
Oops. I'll treat you to a video if I can find one...
Tomorrow is grad practice, and an awards ceremony. Then I get to take my madre out for lunch, as it is her birthday. And I am an independent adult. NOT.
Saturday is my grad party. That's going to be eventful. Friends and family mixing...We'll see how that turns out.
Finally, Sunday. That's the big day. Everything comes to an end.
This year has been pretty emotional. No telling how I'll feel on Sunday. Or after everyone leaves. Gosh, and I think I'm emotional NOW.
Woah, sorry for the long post, guys. I just had a lot to say tonight. If you've read this far, thanks for sticking with me.
Pictures to come soon!